Sunday, February 15, 2009
Alexis got a heart today!
I just wanted to thank everyone that prayed for Alexis to get a heart. I just recieved the wonderful news that she go a heart today at 1:30 and is doing excellent! I am just overjoyed! Such a young family shouldn't have to go through so much, but I am sooo glad that they have a happy ending now too!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Hey everyone!

So Hi everyone...I know I haven't really been keeping up with the updates...but here I am :)
Yale is still doing amazing. He had great results from his last biopsy and doesn't have to have another until the end of March YAY! We've been having weekly visits from his occupational therapist Melissa. Yale is really starting to like her. (sorry Maggie, but he feels good now so playing is just playing to him not work)
He's now rolling all over the place and getting into all sorts of stuff.
So I'm putting out a prayer request for all the sweet little babies at Sick Kids still waiting for a heart.
Especially one little girl called Alexis. Lexi was in stepdown with Yale while he waited for his heart. She's been on milrinone as well and just hasn't been doing very well. She had an event and ended up in the CCU. She is back up on 4D now, but isn't doing well, she has a bug in her picc line now, and has been battling RSV.
Lexi is the sweetest thing. Her and Yale used to talk back and forth across the room, and we really wish she'd get a heart. She's fighting really hard, but her mom is worried she's just not going to have much fight left in her. Please pray for Alexis and her mom Raena, and her dad Garrett that they find a heart soon, and that Lexi doesn't have to suffer much longer.
Here is a picture I stoll from facebook :)

Raena is having a hard time watching her little girl go through this. I know how much you all have helped me and Yale, and I definitely think your prayers could be used to help this family. thanks a bunch
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