Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Well hello there!

Hey everyone, long time no see! I have some serious issues with abandoning this blog. Its like, "Oh, wait, Yale is healthy, that doesn't require an update!" Which is totally not true!
Yale is doing great! We haven't seen the transplant team since the spring, and Yale is due for his biopsy early Nov. He is eating like a champ (but still hasn't gained any weight!) His speech is still a slow process. He and I communicate no problems. Its the rest of the world! And frankly, I just want to know his little thoughts. He is so bright, and sly, I just wish he could communicate that more!

Kane is 8 months old and wearing hand me downs that Yale was wearing well after 1 yr old! LOL. He is pushing 25 lbs for sure and rolling all over the place. He barely sits on his own (I think because his belly is too big).

anyhoo I had some big plans to take this blog to new places (social networking HELLO) and hopefully have an outlet for myself. As well as gain some guest bloggers... and get the word out there!
Anyhoo see you in the near future, and I hopefully will be able to launch an all new (but with the old same content) soon!