Thursday, March 19, 2009

Slacking off

Okay everyone, I know I have totally been slacking off with this whole blog.... but really... there isn't all the much to report :) We've officially made it THREE MONTHS with out an admission.... Yale is doing great. We've been working with Occupational Therapy to help him with his development.... its going wonderfully.... When Melissa first came, Yale wouldn't lay on his belly and he could move or do anything and could very sporadically sit unassisted.... now he is rolling all over the place and will be crawling any day now. He continues to get up onto all fours and rock so I know its only a matter of time! And my favorite milestone that I've been itching for is.... drumroll please... Yale can now hold his own bottle!!!!! Wow... I never thought it was going to happen.

So Yale has a biopsy at the end of March...and then if everything goes well, we'll be down to monthly visits to Toronto.

Anyhoo, I've really noticed that this blog and all you readers, have really helped when I've asked for prayers and positive thoughts. Well, As some of you may know, a friend of ours, Sophia Bossenberry is still awaiting a heart transplant. Her and her parents have quickly approached the one year wait while being in the hospital. This sounds extremely terrible, but i think Sophia's wait has only been so long because of how well she is right now. As all of us know, that can change in an instant. So I'm going to ask all of you that you please pray for Sophia's heart to come and for her and her wonderful family to please get back to some semblance of normalcy.

Update: Lexi was home and doing great with her parents, but I have just learned she was life flighted to Sick Kids with what might be a stroke. I'll update when I know more!

thanks so much.... and for all the help... some pictures of Yale

Okay and for family.... if you like that family portrait...just be patient...:) don't copy and print... you're probably getting the actual version *ahem mom*

till next time!

1 comment:

Drea said...

Yale is looking so good...
I am so glad that he is doing so well....
Drea ( Hunters mom )