Well... after a long day at LHSC with Yale at the cardiology clinic, we are going back to sick kids. I'm so sad and scared. Apparently Dr Buffo noticed that the ASD (the hole in the wall between the two upper chambers of the heart) is starting to close. This is a problem because this hole needs to be there to allow the blood to mix and to go up through the stent that was placed in the PDA and out to the body. I'm glad we caught this when we did, but really upset that Yale has to undergo another procedure....after only a week and a few days at home. He just seemed so normal to me that I wasn't prepared to hear we would be going back to Sick Kids and being admitted so soon. Apparently it won't be an open heart procedure, but something done in the Cath Lab... but still risky and scary as anything they do to his fragile heart is risky and scary.
I'm trying to use my positive thinking about this... but its just something I wasn't prepared for and really has come to slap me across the face. Lot of positive thoughts and prayers are needed for Yale that the procedure goes off without a hitch, and we are back home again really soon!
Heres to hoping that the procedure goes off without a hitch.
I hope you guys are travelling ok in this weather...and that your home in no time!!
lots of prayers and thoughts your way little Yale...
hang in there...
Hope it all goes smoothly...and quickly.
exactly the same thing happened with asher - it was even dr buffo who diagnosed it! i know exactly how you're feeling - it's scary and nauseating. asher did really well, though, no problems, and afterward he was so much happier and a lot less blue. i'll be praying for you guys over the next few days.
heather & asher
You have a fighter on your hands Tanna, I don't think you need to worry!
We will be praying and sending lots of positive vibes to you guys regardless!!
I hope that every goes well. We are sending you positive thoughts and get well wishes....
best of luck..
Aww - that's really too bad. I sure your little guy will be home soon though, just a small bump on the road to recovery. Best Wishes :)
Praying everything goes well. I know your in good hands. Heather told me so.
You know we are all pulling for Yale and everyone at Grandpa's church is praying for him too. So much positive vibes floating around him that I know he will be ok. What doesn't break you only makes you stronger. Chin up my strong girl and it will be all better soon.
Love Mommy
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